
Showing posts from February, 2023

My Flavor of Salt, My Color of Light

My Flavor of Salt, My Color of Light (Matthew 5:13-16)                    <My favorite flavor of ice cream>   Do you like ice cream? I was not a huge fan of ice cream, but since I moved to Houlton, I became a fan of Houlton Dairy ice cream which is called "the world's best ice cream". We are so proud that we have Lilley's family of Houlton Dairy Farm in our church.  What is your favorite flavor? There are lots of flavors of ice cream. Our family’s favorite flavor of ice cream is Victor’s homemade Banana nice cream. For making ice cream, there is the transformation from milk to cream, from cream to ice cream. We are transformed from milk to the world’s best ice cream when we decide to follow Jesus as his disciples. We can be called “Jesus’ ice cream” We have all different flavors. We have the same gospel, but we can share it with all different our stories. Imagine if we have no flavor of ice cream in the world, ...