Heaven Among Us


                                Photo: Riverfront park, Houlton, ME 


<Heaven in Fall (Autumn)> 

Recently, we walked at the riverfront park in Houlton with the Houlton UMC’s men’s group gathering and the mission project “Bridge to Hope.” While we traveled the path to come to Mars Hill church, we saw the beauty of the scenery beyond description. Later my daughter Grace and I were on our nature walk, on a path covered by golden yellow leaves. Grace said, "Mom, it looks like a golden path to heaven!" God showed me “Heaven in Fall (Autumn)” through her eyes. While my children were catching the falling leaves, playing hide and seek, going for an adventure, and laughing to make silly faces, I could feel heaven a little bit more.  


Victor and I had lots of meetings with three churches (Mars Hill, Hodgdon, and Houlton UMC) for a new beginning in a few weeks. When we heard that the Mars Hill church needed a new pastor, it was sudden, shocking, mystifying, and hurt. However, when we walked with three churches for all processes of team ministry, God showed us “Heaven in Fall (Tumble)” through our churches. 


<Heaven in Fall (Tumble)>

Autumn started to be called “fall” in the phrase “the fall of the leaf”. Colorful foliage, clear blue sky, crisp air, the first frost, and pumpkin spices in autumn can all feel heavenly. But what if the falling leaves blowing in the cold wind make us feel sad, depressed, and lonely? How can we have heaven in this kind of fall? As a Christian, heaven can be called in other words “the Kingdom of God” or “the Kingdom of heaven. ” We find that Jesus talked about heaven in the Bible so many times. The phrase “Kingdom of God” occurs 68 times in 10 different New Testament books, while the phrase “Kingdom of heaven” occurs only 32 times, and only in the Gospel of Matthew. Jesus wants us to live in the Kingdom of God. What is the kingdom of God? For the Kingdom, we need a King who can rule over the kingdom. The Kingdom of God is the realm where God reigns supreme. The Kingdom of God is not just the future. It’s not just the place after death. The Kingdom of God is where the King is. Because of that, I can see the Kingdom of God in our churches, even in this very difficult time. I saw heaven in Mars Hill churches. As Luke 17:20-21, 


“Once, on being asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, Jesus replied, “The coming of the kingdom of God is not something that can be observed, nor will people say, ‘Here it is,’ or ‘There it is,’ because the kingdom of God is in your midst.”


Even though you were hurt, and surprised, you accepted this situation with peace by faith. I believe that acceptance comes from your faith in God, our Lord, our King. My family and I felt so welcomed by your grace, and are so excited to be a part of your heavenly fellowship. I heard many wonderful stories. You have shown God’s compassion to the broken-hearted, embraced them, and wanted to be a part of this church. You have shown God’s love to each other, and you became a real God family to love and respect one another. Heaven is here. As Luke 18: 15-17,  


“People were also bringing babies to Jesus for him to place his hands on them. When the disciples saw this, they rebuked them. But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone, who will not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will never enter it.”


I heard about Elizabeth's story. When she came here, she was shy at first, but now she has confidence from your love to read scripture in front of people today. When she was happy, you were also pleased. You bring the little children to the Lord, and you receive the kingdom of God like a little child. Heaven is here.     

How can we have in fall which means tumble? As you have shown to us, we can invite our King to rule over our lives including all our falls today. I saw lots of potential in our church including Sunday school rooms, all of God’s people as ministers written on the bulletin, who love God and His church. Heaven is here. 


I saw heaven in the Hodgdon Church. They had to change many things. They couldn’t see our whole family every week, they needed to change communion Sunday, and Sunday school needed more volunteers since I am going to lead the service instead of Sunday school. At first, they talked about what they would miss, and what they would lose, but one of the church members shared her heart with tears. When she heard the news about Mars Hill, her heart was broken. She couldn’t imagine what you were going through. She suffered with you. Her heart of care was spread to all of the Hodgdon church members. They showed God’s heart and compassion. They were happy for you to have a pastor now. Thankfully, when they released me to pastoral team ministry, many volunteers and parents stepped into Sunday school. Heaven is here. 


I saw heaven in the Houlton Church. When they heard that our family would serve three churches, they were concerned about us. Many feel like extra grandparents to our children and they were worried about adding congregation. However, while we had a listening session, God assured us of this team ministry together. They have shown God’s love toward us. Some church members offered to babysit, some volunteered to do the secretary job to make three church bulletins, and some teachers stepped in Sunday school. Today we’ll have family worship and a harvest party at the Houlton church. They prepared most of what I used to do. Most of all, they celebrated my new start in ministry with gifts, cards, and prayers. I heard around 12 people signed up to pray for our team ministry, especially every Sunday from 8 am to 11:00 am for the worship services in Mars Hill and Hodgdon and all of the traveling. Heaven is here.    


< Heaven in Me> 

I was born into a pastor's family. My father is a Presbyterian church pastor and my mother used to be an elementary teacher. I have a younger sister and a brother. Before I encountered God at 8 years old, I was just a pastor’s kid. Then I heard the testimony of one girl from North Korea. She was put into prison and tortured. Nevertheless, she kept preaching the gospel. I cried out to God that I wanted to meet Jesus whom the North Korean girl had met. While I was praying, first He showed my sins in a full panoramic view, and I could not but repent all of my sins including fighting with my siblings that had seemed not to be serious to me. I believed the truth that Jesus died for my sin and I was forgiven by His Grace. I understood a little bit more why the North Korean girl kept her faith in the middle of terrible situations. For three days, after I had repented of my sins, I wept with thankfulness at God's grace and my heart burned with the fire of the Holy Spirit. After that experience, I tried to live according to God's will, and I devoted my life to God. 


Through several encountering experiences, I have my life motto “The truth will set you free” (John 8:32) This was also the life motto of H.G. Underwood, an American missionary to Korea, who established a school, hospital, and several other churches about 130 years ago. I realized that God answered my prayers when my husband was appointed to the first Anglican church. I struggled with English, cultural differences, and my identity. God gave me a missionary identity and let me follow Underwood's example. Just as Underwood brought God's Word to Korea the Lord has chosen me to bring his grace back to this country. When we were appointed to Houlton, God nudged me to live like American missionaries who gave birth and raised children with Korean people. Even though I started my M. Div in 2009 for my calling, I have stopped all processes due to my family. I started as a certified candidate in 2014, but I had to stop the process due to my family. I couldn’t understand God’s plan. God had given me a strong calling as a minister, but my title has been changed; to a youth director, youth pastor, pastor’s wife, and mother of five children. I realized that even though my titles had changed, my calling hasn't changed at all. I needed to wait for God’s timing.     


When I went to a spiritual retreat in March, God confirmed my calling through His Word, and through many other people. Even though nothing had changed about the roles I was fulfilling, I was so happy. When Victor went to the same retreat in September, God encouraged him to pray for my calling. Just five days later, the District Superintendent called Victor and suggested team ministry with me. Victor and I were ready to accept that offer. God has been preparing for our hearts, our children, and our Hodgdon and Houlton Churches. We were planning to have family worship again as we did before Covid. Many volunteers and parents have been preparing for family worship on the third week at Hodgdon, and on the fourth week at Houlton before knowing about this change. All these new team ministry processes happened in three weeks, but God has been preparing all people, and when I couldn’t help Sunday school, as usual, they right away stepped in more. For myself, I prayed that I could give a sermon. For my family, I prayed for our children, especially the older children, to empower other young children. For our churches, I prayed for Victor and me to empower other leaders. Through this team ministry, God answered all my prayers. Heaven is in me.  





  1. Thank you for sharing. God answers our prayers in his time. So happy to have your family serving our Church. Peace and Love. 💕

    1. We are so honored and grateful to serve all our churches ❤️


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