A Journey by the Spirit of Jesus


Macedonian in Paul’s dream
(Acts 16:6-10)

<The Spirit of Jesus>

Have you felt a strong supernatural power recently? We call this the Holy Spirit. Paul called this “The Spirit of Jesus” He emphasized the word “Jesus” in Acts 16:7. Because He proclaimed that Jesus died for us, rose again, and lives with us here and now as the Spirit. Esther felt the Spirit of Jesus when she wanted to have potatoes for a snack, right after she asked me, someone dropped off two bags of potatoes. Sorry to mention potatoes. I know. Some of you are too tired to listen to potato right now and do not think of it while you are at the church in this potato harvest season. She felt that God was near her, and listened to her request. Grace felt the Spirit of Jesus when she learned the same Bible verse as the one she had just read at the church a day before that day. I talked with someone who is over 90 years old. He said, that nowadays he has been very close to the Spirit of Jesus and talking with the Spirit often. He has the assurance to meet the Spirit soon, and he will not be embarrassed when he meets the Spirit in heaven. Are we close to the Spirit the Jesus? Is the Spirit of Jesus your closest friend or a stranger? Are you sure that you are not embarrassed to meet the Spirit of Jesus one day? By what is your life journey driven? By family schedule? By a friend who you admire? By your ambition? Or by the Spirit of Jesus? I keep asking those questions to myself. May God be the driver of our life today as he did in Paul’s 2nd missionary journey.     


<Paul’s Plan VS. God’s Plan> 

1.    1. Paul VS. Barnabas

“The human mind plans the way, but the Lord directs the steps” (Proverb 16:9) We can see this Bible verse in Paul’s second journey three times. God’s plan is not Paul’s, and ours. First, we can see the relationship of Paul and Barnabas. Paul and Barnabas were wonderful teammates on their first journey. Paul asked Barnabas to return and visit the believers again, and they agreed to have another journey. However, there was a disagreement about John Mark, who once fled on their first journey. Barnabas, who focused on people wanted to give him a second chance, but Paul, who focused on their mission did not want to take him this time. The disagreement became so sharp that they parted company; Barnabas took Mark with him and sailed away to Cyprus, but Paul chose Silas to go to Syria and Cilicia. Paul wanted to visit the churches with Barnabas, but God’s plan was different. When they were separated God provided them with another helper to help them, and eventually, they became one again. Paul mentioned John Mark in his letter later as a fellow worker, (Philemon 1:24) and helper of his ministry (2 Timothy 4:11) 


  1. Asia and Bithynia VS. Macedonia (Philippi, Thessalonica, and Beroea) 

Secondly, we can see God’s plan on his 2nd missionary journey. He was trying to visit Asia. However, the Holy Spirit forbade them. They tried to go to Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus (16:7) did not allow them. Paul used the unique phrase “the Spirit of Jesus”, another name for the Holy Spirit which may imply a vision of the Lord. (New Bible Commentary, p. 1090) He emphasized that Jesus was still with him, and he guided Paul’s journey. Paul was smart enough to make an effective plan from geographical direction, and he must have wondered why the Spirit of Jesus had closed the door twice. Sometimes God answers our prayers with a yes, waiting, or no. Sometimes we don’t understand why he leads us on the wired journey. Sometimes we don’t know why he closes the door and changes the direction like He did with Paul. Paul just waited and waited until he dreamt of Macedonian people who said “Come over to Macedonia and help us” (16:9) When he saw the vision, we “immediately” tried to Cross over to Macedonia. Now he had a certain direction to which he could run. When we see Paul’s ministries in Macedonia(Acts 16:11-17:15), we can understand why God had led them over there. 

Paul and Silas met Luke in Troas when Paul dreamt of the Macedonians. We can see that the author of Acts uses the pronoun "we" for the first time in this book in verse 10. For example, 6. “They went through the region…they had come…, 10. When he had seen the vision, “WE” immediately tried to cross over to Macedonia.” Luke is the author of Luke and Acts, the most literary New Testament writer. He was also a physician and a faithful companion to Paul.

They went to Philippi, which was not the capital of Macedonia, but it was important to export. Paul met Lydia, a worshiper of God, from the city of Thyatira who was a dealer in purple cloth. “A worshiper of God” probably means that she was a Gentile who had already faith converted to the Jewish God. She was the first believer in Europe. She had a household and could invite people to her house. (NBC, P.1090) She became a faithful supporter of Paul and his company in verse 40. It says, “After leaving the prison they went to Lydia’s home..” Also, we can see how much joy Paul had when he thought of the Philippian church through the letter to the Philippians. 

Also, Paul met the jailor and the whole household in Philippi. When Paul and Silas were in prison, there was an earthquake. The jailer was about to kill himself, but Paul calmed down him. He asked, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” Paul said, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household.” Just as Peter was surprised by God who poured His Spirit on the Gentile “Cornelius” and his whole household(Acts 10), Paul saw the same work of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Jesus through Lydia and the jailor in Philippi. All of the people, including Peter and other disciples in Jerusalem, were astounded when they saw that the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out even on the Gentiles. (10:45) God’s plan was beyond all of our thoughts. 

After visiting Philippi, they went to Thessalonica and. Some people believed in Jesus, but there were also, serious persecutions in Thessalonica. We can see how Paul encouraged them in the letter of Thessalonians, which Paul wrote in the prison of Rome. “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-17) 

Paul met faithful believers and good co-workers in Beroea. “These Jews were more receptive than those in Thessalonica, for they welcomed the message very eagerly and examined the scriptures every day to see whether these things were so.” (Acts 16:11) “He was accompanied by Sopater son of Pyrrhus from Beroea. (Acts 20:4) 

When Paul accepted God’s plan and followed immediately, he met Luke, Lydia, a jailor, the Thessalonian church, and a receptive Beroean church.           

3.    3.Athen VS. Other cities 

Paul was surprised by Athen. There were many intelligent people, but they did not accept Jesus at all, and he couldn’t build the church. After visiting Athen, he visited the Corinthian church. He wrote this to the Corinthians later, “But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong; God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are, so that no human being might boast in the present of God. (1 Corinthians 1:27-29) In our thoughts, if they are intelligent, they would accept Jesus more, but God’s thoughts are different from ours. 


 <My journey VS. God’s journey>

How about you? How about us? Are you in the middle of chaos? Are you Abraham in front of Cannan who did not know where he needed to go? He just left his hometown by faith. Are you Job who asked the questions in the middle of overwhelming situations “Why me?” Are you Paul who felt that God closes all doors? 

I did not plan five children and three churches in northern Maine. I did not plan for the 5 of us to get COVID-19, Abe went to the ER, and Victor and I had a hospital tour in Korea last month. However, God who knows me the most allowed me to meet the doctor, when I was with Victor when he got surgery. The doctor offered a biopsy unexpectedly. The results were supposed to be in two weeks, but I got it in four days. The doctor referred to his friend who is the center director of thyroid cancer. He scheduled all of the appointments for me to see many specialists in two weeks. I just want to say that God gives us the best in His best timing, even though I do not understand all. Isaiah said, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declared the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. (Isaiah 55:8-9) 


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