Where Jesus Is, 'Tis Miracles There!


James 5:13-18 
                                                                  Mars Hill UMC 

<Remembering His Miracles>

How was your Christmas? It could have been quiet, calm, challenging, joyful, crowded, or relaxed. Last Sunday, we were all exhausted with numerous family gatherings and six services in one day across our three churches.

No matter where we were or what we did during the last week or the past year, we are here to celebrate New Year's Eve. Psalm 77:11-12 says:

"I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago. I will consider all your works and meditate on all your mighty deeds."

As we reflect on the past year, we had combined services with three churches in Mars Hill during Lent and the Summer. Donna faced health issues, and we are grateful to have had Michael and Sage join the church. Elizabeth and the children have grown closer to the Lord and each other. We are thankful for our choir, strong leadership, and our church family.

Now is the time to remember all of God's miracles, works, and mighty deeds that He has shown us. Let's enter the new year full of hope and faith. May God bring to mind all your miracles from the last year and inspire hope for yet another miracle in 2024.

<Miracle through the Scripture>

Have you ever experienced God delivering the same message to you through various channels multiple times? Recently, God presented me with the same passages four times in a month—today's scripture.

  1. 1. 11/26/23 At the Cancer Hospital

During my hospital stay, prompted by God, I prepared for the Sunday worship service, not realizing there was a hospital service later that day. Although the couple I spoke to didn't join me, they attended the afternoon service and brought back the bulletin. To my amazement, the same Bible verse I had prepared was on that bulletin. Despite our physical separation, we worshipped the same God who spoke the same message to us. This reminded me of John 4:21, 23: "Woman, Jesus replied, believe me, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem...Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks." This was the first time God spoke the same verses to me in a month.

  1. 2. 12/12/23 Women's Bible Study Theme: "Confession"

After surgery, our Bible Study theme was "confession," and I discovered the same Bible verse in that chapter. Exploring why we confess our sins to each other, I realized that confessing to one another allows us to proclaim Jesus within us. We have the authority to forgive others in Jesus' name and seek forgiveness by God's grace. This became the second time God spoke the same verses to me in a month.

  1. 3. 12/20/23 Brother's Bible Text

Following my testimony about God speaking the same Bible verses in a prayer meeting, my brother sent the same Bible verse to our messenger group that night.

  1. 4. 12/27/23 Hannah's Book

During winter vacation, Hannah asked me to read a prayer book for older children. When I opened the pages, I found the same Bible verses God had been emphasizing to me.

Feeling the Holy Spirit strongly, I sensed God's nearness. It brought to mind these Bible verses: "Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path" (Psalm 119:105) and "For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart" (Hebrews 4:12).

As we approach the New Year, I encourage you to consider reading the Bible cover to cover. A Bible Reading Plan is available on the table. May God teach us heavenly languages to communicate with Him through the Bible. My grandparents read the Bible every three months, sometimes even monthly before my grandfather passed away, and my grandmother could talk and move. Let's embark on this journey together, anticipating miracles through the Bible.

<Miracle through Prayer>

1. Old Camel Knees

It's time to pray—every time would be prayer time. Let me share the scripture in the Message version:

"Are you hurting? Pray. Do you feel great? Sing. Are you sick? Call the church leaders together to pray and anoint you with oil in the name of the Master. Believing prayer will heal you; Jesus will put you on your feet." (Message 13-14)

When you're hurting, suffering, or struggling, pray! And if you're feeling great, happy, and grateful, sing! Singing is another way to pray with rhythm and music, allowing us to pray at all times, no matter how we feel. When we're sick, we can call the church leaders to pray and anoint us with oil in Jesus' name. The oil symbolizes our need for God's miraculous intervention, much like placing hands on someone today. I'll always cherish the powerful moment when our church members prayed for my surgery, holding hands, touching my body, and embracing me. Please don't be alone when you're sick in mind, body, and spirit. Call the church leaders and others to pray for you! Believing prayer will heal you, and Jesus will put you back on your feet!

James, the author, was nicknamed "Old Camel Knees" because of his extensive prayer life. He was a man of prayer. One of my resolutions for 2024 is to pray by kneeling like "Old Camel Knees." Richard Foster notes in his book "Celebration of Discipline" that the Bible describes worship in physical terms. The Hebrew word for "worship" is "to prostrate," "Bless" is "to kneel," and "Thanksgiving" is "an extension of the hand." May we witness God's miracles through our unceasing prayer with our knees.

2. The Power of Prayer

"The prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise them up" (James 5:15a).

Are you waiting for God's answer for a long time? Have you almost given up on praying for persistent prayer requests regarding your family, friends, church, denomination, and our nation? There's power in the prayer of faith. This prayer will save the sick in mind, body, and spirit, and the Lord will raise them up.

Examples of Miracles through Prayer:

1) My Future Spouse's Prayer

I began praying for my future spouse at the age of 8, believing God would protect him or help him through hardships. I forgot about these prayers until a high school friend discovered Victor's face in a picture of his father's army group. When we prayed for my friend's father, an officer sent to East Timor, we didn't realize the connection. Years later, when Victor volunteered to go to East Timor, nearly dying from dengue fever, I learned my friend's father was with him. Even though I didn't understand how God answered my prayers, He listened to my groans, whispers, and wishes.

2) The Fruits from a High School Friend

Feeling powerless about a long-standing prayer request, I confided in another high school friend who reminded me of the power of prayer, even when we can't see immediate results. When we were in high school, she and her family were Buddhists. However, one year later, she sent me a letter announcing her conversion to Christianity. Now, as we raise our children in a foreign country with faith, we continue to pray for each other. She encouraged me, saying, "Take courage! Whether we see the fruit now or not, we need to plant seeds through prayer, as you did for me."

Are you weary? Have you considered giving up on long-standing prayer requests? Take courage and don't lose hope. Miracles happen through prayer!

<Miracle through Confession>

"The prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise them up, and anyone who has committed sins will be forgiven. Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another so that you may be healed. The prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective." (James 5:15-16)

While there is a connection between sin and sickness, it's not a universal correlation. Jesus, in healing Lazarus and the blind man, demonstrated that illness can serve different purposes—sometimes for God's glory or to reveal His works. However, when Jesus healed the paralyzed man, it carried a unique significance.

"Just then some people were carrying a paralyzed man lying on a bed. When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, 'Take heart, son; your sins are forgiven.'" (Matthew 9:2)

The healing of the body came with the proclamation of freedom from sins. God encourages us to confess our sins to one another and pray for each other's healing. The prayer of the righteous is potent and effective. While confessing our sins may be challenging, it holds the power of renewal. Throughout church history, genuine revivals often sparked from collective confession, renewing personal and community piety.

Examples of Miracles through Confession:

1) My Confession about Misusing My Voice

Before my surgery, struggling with vocal limitations, I confessed my sins to the Lord and others for misusing my voice. I acknowledged moments of impatience, shouting at my children, and excessive talking. I had misused my words to judge and blame. Despite the physical limitations, confessing my sins brought healing and holiness. God healed my heart before my physical surgery.

2) True Reconciliation through Confession

Struggling with two relationships, God provided an opportunity for reconciliation before my surgery. We spent time together, confessed sins, cried, prayed, and blessed each other. The experience was powerful, bringing healing. It felt as if the unnecessary parts of my life were removed before the physical surgery for cancer.

May we all witness miracles through confession.

<The Prayer of Miracle>

We longed for snow, and when it finally came, covering everything, it turned our surroundings into a playground. Just like the first Christmas without snow for our family, our lives may have bumps, muddy puddles, and challenges, but when we find Jesus in these moments, it turns them into Heaven.

As we sing "Where Jesus is, 'tis Heaven There" with Lydia and Grace for our closing, let's pray for miracles. Lord, may we see your miracles through the Bible, prayer, and confession. Where Jesus is, 'tis miracles there!

<Where Jesus Is 'Tis Heaven There>

Since Christ, my soul from sin set free,

This world has been a Heav'n to me.

'Midst earth's sorrows and its woe,

'Tis Heav'n my Jesus here to know.

Hallelujah, yes, 'tis Heav'n,

To know Jesus is truly mine.

On land or sea, what matters where?

Where Jesus is, 'tis Heaven there.


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