The Spirit of Bibimbap


Youngeun Joyce Kang

Last Saturday I had a cooking class at Houlton. Many people including some people coming from different areas after COVID-19 have been asking for cooking classes for Korean food. I had a few times with youth and children, but I didn't have enough time to do it. While we had a vision meeting at Houlton, I found out there are four Asian families in Houlton. Two Chinese families are running two restaurants, and two Korean families serve the same church. The population of Asians, especially Korean families in this area is so small, but I believe that God called us here, and there is something we can do. I thought if I served our church and community in a unique situation, it would be great for both of us. I am not a professional cook, but I know how to make Asian food in this area with few Asian ingredients. Also, I prayed about this while I was recovering from my health issues. I would like to serve the Lord and His people including this community with my new heart and new body. While I prayed about it, I felt God's divine intervention. Because of that, we started to have a pilot cooking class last Saturday. 

When I thought our the menu, Victor suggested "Bibimbab" the most popular Korean menu in a Google search of 2023. I had this menu on every airplane for a Korean trip. While I was preparing for the class, and studying this menu, this is the perfect representation of our churches. I felt the spirit of Bibimbab.  

Bibim means mixed, and Bab means rice. This is Korean traditional mixed rice with meat and assorted vegetables. As we see the ingredients, there are many kinds of sauces and vegetables, especially seasoned vegetables. We seasoned each vegetable after cooking or blanching it. When each ingredient is ready, we gather all the steamed rice in the bowl. We pour the sauce above it. Korean food has lots of side menus called Namul, the seasoned vegetables. When Namul is on a separate plate, it is just the side menu. However, when we gather all and put the sunny side egg which is the heart of this menu, we can call this the main menu "Bibimbab" I found that there are lots of similarities between our church and Bibimbab. We are all the different ingredients. We were dried out like this shiitake mushroom, but we soaked in the living water, we were alive! When we seasoned it with the sauce of God's grace and faith, we can be Namul representing "Christian". Some people can be Gochujang, hot spicy sauce, some people can be vinegar, sour but give us a vivid atmosphere. Some can be sugar as it softened spicy. Some can be soy sauce for salty tastes as a real Christian. When we gather together within Jesus, the rice, with the heart of a sunny side egg, we can be called "Bibimbab" one awesome authentic Main Menu, "The Church"  

1/28/24 in Mars Hill Service  

Cooking Class Livestreaming:


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